Innovationsmanagement Verstehen. Planen. Umsetzen. Teil III
Datum: Dienstag, 04. September 2018 ab 16:30
Ort: Kanonenbastei Schlossberg, 8010 Graz
Über die Veranstaltung
Welche Auswirkungen hat ein „Wechsel der Blickrichtung“ in einem innovativen Unternehmen?
Bei der 3. INNOlounge erwarten Sie dazu zwei spannenden Impulsvorträge von Oliver Mayer | Global Principal at General Electric Global Research sowie Gertrud Hierzer | Head of Systems Integration at T-Systems Austria.
16:30 Uhr | Einlass und Registrierung |
17:00 Uhr | Begrüßung |
17:15 Uhr | Dr. Oliver Mayer, Global Principal at General Electric Global Research |
18:00 Uhr | Mag. Gertrud Hierzer, Head of Systems Integration at T-Systems Austria |
18:45 Uhr | Ausklang & Networking |
From a change in perspective to the innovation: The INNOlounge went to its third round!
On September 4, 2018, the "Kanonenbastei" of the "Grazer Schlossberg" accommodated the INNOlounge, which already was the third one. On the occasion of the evening session organised by Human Technology Styria, ACstyria Mobilitätscluster (Mobility Cluster), Green Tech Cluster and Holzcluster (Wood Cluster), the change in perspective in innovative companies was focused on.
The first lecture held on the well-attended INNOlounge was held by Oliver Mayer (Senior Principal at General Electric). Oliver Mayer showed what systematic approaches can be used to find solutions saving time. Nowadays technological developments are proceeding extremely rapidly, and the companies need to keep pace. "Therefore, it is enormously important to use a wide variety of methods," said the lecturer.
Gertrud Hierzer (Head of the Business Development Department at T-Systems Austria) discussed the sluggishness and inertia of large corporations when it comes to handling innovations. "In principle, they have everything that is necessary for innovations However, it is exactly these things that often are in the way of innovations, being based on structures and processes that have grown historically." The model presented as a solution by Gertrud Hierzer was that of ambidexterity. Corporations need to learn to put their stakes on things that have stood the test with one hand while the other one is exploring new ground.
At concluding networking, the participants had sufficient opportunities of discussing implementation of the contents of the lectures in their own companies.