Kundenintegration bei Andritz
Datum: Dienstag, 05. November 2019 ab 16:00 Uhr
Ort: Andritz AG, Statteggerstraße 18, 8045 Graz
Über die Veranstaltung
In der fünften Auflage der Erfolgsreihe INNOlounge laden wir Sie zu einer Besichtigung des Kundeninnovationszentrums (TIAC) des Anlagenspezialisten ANDRITZ ein.
Das Tissue Innovation and Application Center ist die weltweit modernste Pilotanlage im Bereich Papiergewebeproduktion. Potentielle Kunden haben die einmalige Gelegenheit, Technologien zu erproben, die noch nicht auf dem Markt eingeführt wurden.
16:00 Uhr | Get together & Begrüßung |
16:30 Uhr | Vorstellung des TIAC und Erfolgsfaktoren der Kundenintegration bei ANDRITZ |
17:00 Uhr | Hands-on Methoden für KMUs zur Kundenintegration (Julia Achatz, ICG) |
17:30 Uhr | TIAC Anlagen- und Werksführung bei ANDRITZ |
18:00 Uhr | Netzwerken am Buffet |
Report - From the customer to the partner.
The way customers become partners was in the centre of interest at the 5th INNOlounge at ANDRITZ AG (Stock Corporation) on November 5, 2019. About 40 participants followed the invitation extended by the Green Tech Cluster, ACstyria and the Human Technology Cluster. At the event, they could experience flesh-and-blood how the technology leader implements successful customer integration.
Helmut Wöginger (Group Business Development) inaugurated the event by giving exciting insights into international joint ventures and start-up investments while focusing on such innovation formats as technology talks and rapid innovation camps organised by ANDRITZ. Stefano Marenco (Head of R&D Tissue) explained how customers are integrated into the design and engineering process of paper machinery in order to ensure that the customers, for their part, do not develop their products in a manner that does not really meet the customer requirements. The simple tools and gimmicks enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to use market and customer needs and requirements for their innovation management dead on target were explained by Julia Achatz, a consultant working at ICG Integrated Consulting Group. In illustrative examples, Julia Achatz showed how customers can even be inspired by simple window cleaning. Subsequently a site visit was paid to the pilot facility for customer experiments in the field of pulp and paper, which is the most modern one worldwide.
This event was co-funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).