Innovationsmanagement Verstehen. Planen. Umsetzen. Teil I
Datum: Dienstag, 28. November 2017 ab 16:30
Ort: FH CAMPUS 02, Körblergasse 126, 8010 Graz
Über die Veranstaltung
Innovation macht sich bezahlt – sie ist notwendig um in einem dynamischen Marktumfeld zu bestehen und erfolgreich zu bleiben. Erfahren Sie im ersten Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe INNOlounge was Innovation ist und wie Sie Innovationsmanagement in Ihrem Unternehmen erfolgreich und nachhaltig umsetzen können.
16:30 Uhr | Einlass und Registrierung |
17:00 Uhr | Begrüßung |
17:15 Uhr | Vortrag DI Dr. Hans Lercher, Studiengangsleiter, FH Campus 02 Innovationsmanagement |
18:15 Uhr | Diskussionsrunde und Erfahrungsbericht, ESTET Stahl-und Behälterbau GmbH und LAC Berger GmbH |
18:30 Uhr | Vortrag Mag. Bernhard Weber,Geschäftsführer, Zentrum für Wissens- und Innovationstransfer GmbH Uni for Life – Lehrgang Innovationsmanagement |
18:45 Uhr | Ausklang & Networking |
Ideas are ten a penny and can be found as the sand of the sea. Yet how do they lead up to innovations that can be converted to money? For DI Dr. Hans Lercher, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Business Innovation GmbH (Ltd.) and Head of the University Course Innovation Management at the Campus02, new ideas will only be innovations if they help to generate revenues. Identifying markets and technologies soon enough is at the basis of a revision of a company’s innovation strategy. „”For a person that does not know the harbour into which he or she wants to sail, no wind will be a favourable one,” DI Dr. Hans Lercher quotes Seneca. At the first INNOlounge, which had the topic of “Understanding, planning and implementing innovation”, DI Dr. Hans Lercher did not only present examples of product and process innovations to the audience but also service innovations, marketing innovations and business model innovations. (In order to help companies to holistically view the topic of innovation, DI Dr. Hans Lercher has developed the innovation model BIG Picture TM, a holistic, strategy oriented and cyclic model that can be used as an innovation driver).
Implementation of innovative process changes is subsidised by the project “Enabling Innovation”, which is funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund). Mrs. Helga Stadler, CEO of ESTET Stahl und Behälterbau GmbH (Steel and Container Construction Ltd.) and Mr. Philip Poppenreiter, Plant Mangager at LAC Berger GmbH (Ltd.), report about the first positive experiences made and hope that they can achieve sustainable competitive advantages by improving their innovation culture.
"Being successful as a company in the long run means scrutinizing oneself permanently. Innovation capability is one of the key competencies of companies. The key is formed by employees that are motivated enough to establish the required skills and capabilities and keep them up-to-date in order to structure turbulent innovation processes and enable them to yield a positive output". This is how Mag. Bernhard Weber, Scientific Leader of the University Course "Innovation Management", describes the goals of this extra-occupational further training.
At this course, the participants deal with the challenges and barriers of innovation processes and get to know different areas in the context of strategic innovation.
"We need to ensure that our children in Europe can continue to live in prosperity. We need to be committed to this with passion." This is what DI Dr. Hans Lercher wishes. And this definitely also is what the audience wishes.